A few words

About Us


The purpose of this website is to continue the Magisterium — the teaching authority and duty — of the Roman Catholic Church which has been disrupted by Roncalli’s 1963 Second Vatican Council. The most notable disruption came with the introduction of the Novus Ordo Missae by Montini in 1965 in violation of Pope Pius V’s Quo Primum of 1570. The other errors of Vatican II challenging the Magisterium are easily addressed by posts from enough traditionalist Catholics on the internet.
There are enough such traditionalists in the Philippines, and in celebration of our country’s Quincentennial as the endpoint of Christianity’s circumnavigation of the globe with Magellan’s planting of the cross in Cebu in 1521, some five of us decided to launch this website to address this disruption of the Magisterium.
The Missa Sicca is our chosen platform because it is an approved Catholic devotion composed of prayers and readings from the Holy Mass. It omits the Offertory, Consecration, and Sacramental Communion but still contains all the elements of Magisterial teaching to be a devout Catholic and culminates in the Act of Spiritual Communion to obtain the blessings of the omitted parts. It has been practiced since the medieval ages, and although it fell into disuse after the Quo Primum reform, it was never suppressed as a wrong form of worship. Alongside the holy Rosary, our suggested Missa Sicca is the form of devotion that traditionalists should resort to in the absence of the Holy Mass, as is the case now since the introduction of the Novus Ordo Missae.
The abbreviation INRF celebrates the phenomenal devotion of millions of Filipinos to the image of the Black Nazarene brought to the country by the Augustinian Recollects from Mexico in 1606. It stands for “Iesus Nazarenus Rex Filipinorum” and is used by the Ordo Nazareni instead of the usual INRI.
The Ordo Nazareni is the name of our group. We propose to celebrate the Quincentennial of Christianity in the Philippines not so much by dwelling on the frailocracy that managed to establish Catholicism in the archipelago and how King Philip, after giving our country his name, also endeavored to share with us his title of “Rex Catholicissimus” by insisting that we should be a “Populus Catholicissimus” as well. All that of course is cause for celebration but we would rather focus on the next 500 years — inaugurate the Quincentennium of Real and Royal Catholicism to establish a true Christian civilization and governance system as mandated by Pope Pius XI in Quas Primas re-circumnavigating the globe, this time from the Philippines by cybersail.
The guidelines by which we seek to accomplish this task are simple:

1. We will refrain from arguing with the defenders of Vatican II. It would be like talking to latter-day geocentrists and flatists who still flatly deny the fact that our Earth is an orb rotating on its axis and orbiting a star called the Sun, after Elcano confirmed it in 1522. Astronomically insignificant though it is, this Orb is nevertheless the jewel in the universe where God established His Magisterium — the very Magisterium which makes us the real center of all creation — a fact which Vatican II rejects.
2. Neither will we debate with Protestants. It would deflect from the true issue that Protestantism is nothing but plain and simple plagiarism of the Roman Catholic Bible codified by Pope Damasus I in 382 as an essential teaching aid of its Magisterium, not a sourcebook of Christian division in the so-called public domain.
3. Thirdly, to simplify life and save time, we have reduced the items to be taught and learned from the Magisterium to the twin-law governing the salvation of souls — Salus Animarum Suprema Extra Sanctam Ecclesiam Catholicam Nulla Salus — which is not a subject for debate. Take it or leave it.
4. We believe that the best use of our time, and every Catholic’s time, is simply to pray the Missa Sicca Ad Continuandum Magisterium Romanum Catholicum to save our souls and other people’s souls for the glory of God. Nothing beats prayer in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.

We will return to the celebration of the full liturgical Mass as soon as we have real priests again ordained by real bishops mandated by the real 261st successor of Peter, Bishop of Rome, elected and enthroned by the  faithful Catholics of Rome according to the stipulations of Pope Pius XII in Ad Apostolorum Principis.
This website is specially addressed to the traditionalist Catholics of Rome particularly Filipinos who have made Rome their home. GET IN TOUCH WITH US: YOU HAVE A CARDINAL ROLE TO PLAY. 


Headed by a Prefect, the Institute governs and decides over all issues concerning the Missa Sicca: its texts, its rubrics and protocols of celebration, its translation into other languages for private devotion, the training and authorization of its Magister Precis or Prayer Leader, the investiture of the Missa Sicca Toga, the approval of its venue, the fixtures to be used for proper decorum, etc., viz:

The principal prayers, chants, and readings for public congregational celebration shall be in Latin from the Missale Romanum prescribed by Pope St. Pius V’s Quo Primum of 1570.The Act of Spiritual Communion and the offering of lighted candles after the Benediction shall be in Pilipino. Versions of our Missa Sicca other than Latin shall be strictly for private devotion individually or among the family members of the household without the catechesis, simply seated around a table.

2. The Missa Sicca Solemnis shall be prayed in front of or around a Crucifix with candles on either side to be lighted during the Sanctus.

3. The altar bell shall be rung before the Introit Prayer and during the Domine Non Sum Dignus.

4. In deference to the magnificence of the Latin texts, the Magister Precis (Prayer Leader) must wear the Magisterium Gown or Missa Sicca Toga equivalent to the Doctoral Academic Regalia in current practice among most Universities of European tradition as introduced by the Catholic Church in the 12th century. The wearing of the Toga also emphasizes the fact that our Missa Sicca is presided over by lay persons and not by priests, for the simple reason that there are no priests at this time of ecclesiastical crisis. It also uderscores the idea that the Catholic Magisterial duty is in itself an exercise of academic discipline and learning. In this context, the Missa Sicca, whether private or congregational, is our recommended alternative to the full liturgical Mass in the observance of Eucharistic obligation. The Chancellor of the Ordo Nazareni, if he is the Master of Ceremonies, or even if he is simply in attendance, shall wear the Toga of the Doctoral Degree, also to show respect for the grandeur of the Latin texts. The Catechist shall  wear the Missa Sicca Toga of the Masteral Degree, or at least, the Ordo Nazareni Tabard. The Choir shall wear the Ordo Nazareni Tabard.

5. The  instructions for kneeling, standing or sitting shall be given by the Prayer Leader or the Master of Ceremonies in Pilipino. The catechesis shall be in Pilipino. The rubrics for kneeling, standing or sitting may be dispensed with if the venue does not conveniently permit it.

6. The congregation shall wear Sunday Mass attire. The women and girls shall wear veils.
7. In the absence of our own chapels or oratories, the venue for the Missa Sicca Solemnis shall be at the discretion of the Magister Precis and his council in the Institute.

8. The Institute shall have the final decision on the contents and presentation of the Missa Sicca INRF website.


The name Ordo Nazareni started life as a tongue-in-cheek description of the January 9 Traslacion from the Luneta to Quiapo Church — a phenomenal chaos of millions of devotees scrambling to touch the Black Nazarene atop a rickety-looking float crowded with other devotees pulled by hundreds of more devotees, all barefoot as part of the ritual. Ambulances and first aid stations have lately become part of the “festivities.” Amidst this pandemonium however is a sense of serene order, emanating from the face of the Black Nazarene:  the Nazarenic Order.
Upon reflection, the phrase started to sound like a legitimate summary of how Filipinos, the majority of whom are Catholics anyway, should cultivate a sense of magisterium into their affairs as a nation, socially and politically based on Pius XI’s Quas Primas. And so was born the Ordo Nazareni, a loose grouping of lay people dedicated to the task of establishing the Nazarenic Order in the country by recognizing Christ’s Kingship: INRF (Iesus Nazarenus Rex Filipinorum) which we use instead of the traditional INRI.  

That was about five years ago. As part of the Quincentennial Celebration of Christianity in the Philippines, we in the Ordo Nazareni have decided to be more visible and audible in spreading the idea of the serene order of the Nazarene, instead of dwelling on the friars’ abuses tempered by their Castilian flair for fiestas and penitential processions which, in all fairness, somehow managed to establish traditional Roman Catholicism throughout the islands, even producing a Tagalog Christ in the person of Jose Rizal as graciously conceded by Spain’s own Miguel de Unamuno. 


The past 500 years, if truth be told, was a horrible time for Christianity with the rise of Protestantism at its beginning, secularism in the middle and the proverbial nail in the coffin at its end with Vatican II. The only saving grace of that period seems to be that the Philippines, against all odds, surprisingly became a bastion of Catholicism. So, instead of bemoaning that part of Catholicism’s dark history, let’s usher in the Nazarenic Order of the next 500 years, the Quincentennium of Real and Royal Catholicism, courtesy of the Philippines’ Ordo Nazareni.