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About Us
Headed by a Prefect, the Institute governs and decides over all issues concerning the Missa Sicca: its texts, its rubrics and protocols of celebration, its translation into other languages for private devotion, the training and authorization of its Magister Precis or Prayer Leader, the investiture of the Missa Sicca Toga, the approval of its venue, the fixtures to be used for proper decorum, etc., viz:
That was about five years ago. As part of the Quincentennial Celebration of Christianity in the Philippines, we in the Ordo Nazareni have decided to be more visible and audible in spreading the idea of the serene order of the Nazarene, instead of dwelling on the friars’ abuses tempered by their Castilian flair for fiestas and penitential processions which, in all fairness, somehow managed to establish traditional Roman Catholicism throughout the islands, even producing a Tagalog Christ in the person of Jose Rizal as graciously conceded by Spain’s own Miguel de Unamuno.